// ~->[DNET-1]->~ // File created by ShuteV_6 at FloridaStateU using Netica 5.24 on Apr 18, 2019 at 18:56:14 UTC. bnet PP_OrangeNodes_6 { autoupdate = TRUE; whenchanged = 1555613774; visual V1 { defdispform = BELIEFBARS; nodelabeling = TITLE; NodeMaxNumEntries = 50; nodefont = font {shape= "Arial"; size= 9;}; linkfont = font {shape= "Arial"; size= 9;}; windowposn = (451, 0, 902, 545); scrollposn = (91, 8); resolution = 72; drawingbounds = (1515, 782); showpagebreaks = FALSE; usegrid = TRUE; gridspace = (6, 6); NodeSet Node {BuiltIn = 1; Color = 0x00e1e1e1;}; NodeSet Nature {BuiltIn = 1; Color = 0x00f8eed2;}; NodeSet Deterministic {BuiltIn = 1; Color = 0x00d3caa6;}; NodeSet Finding {BuiltIn = 1; Color = 0x00c8c8c8;}; NodeSet Constant {BuiltIn = 1; Color = 0x00ffffff;}; NodeSet ConstantValue {BuiltIn = 1; Color = 0x00ffffb4;}; NodeSet Utility {BuiltIn = 1; Color = 0x00ffbdbd;}; NodeSet Decision {BuiltIn = 1; Color = 0x00dee8ff;}; NodeSet Documentation {BuiltIn = 1; Color = 0x00f0fafa;}; NodeSet Title {BuiltIn = 1; Color = 0x00ffffff;}; NodeSet HighLevel {Color = 0x00ff8080;}; NodeSet Proficiency {Disabled = 1; Color = 0x00c8c8c8;}; NodeSet LowLevel {Color = 0x00ff8000;}; NodeSet pnode {Disabled = 1; Color = 0x00c8c8c8;}; NodeSet pnodes {Disabled = 1; Color = 0x00c8c8c8;}; NodeSet Proficiencies {Disabled = 1; Color = 0x00c8c8c8;}; NodeSet Observable {Disabled = 1; Color = 0x00c8c8c8;}; PrinterSetting A { margins = (1270, 1270, 1270, 1270); }; }; user U1 { priorWeight = "10"; }; param X_PropertiesofTorque_4 { kind = DISCONNECTED; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (High, Medium, Low); levels = (0.967421566101701, 0, -0.967421566101701); probs = // High Medium Low (0.4267575, 0.3390674, 0.2341752); title = "PropertiesofTorque"; whenchanged = 1555613620; }; param X_EnergyTransfer_4 { kind = DISCONNECTED; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (High, Medium, Low); levels = (0.967421566101701, 0, -0.967421566101701); probs = // High Medium Low (0.438105, 0.2857578, 0.2761373); title = "EnergyTransfer"; whenchanged = 1555613603; }; node TrophyLevel { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (Gold, Silver, None); inputs = (PropertiesofTorque, EnergyTransfer); parents = (X_PropertiesofTorque_4, X_EnergyTransfer_4); probs = // Gold Silver None // PropertiesofTorque EnergyTransfer (0.5866482, 0.2798522, 0.1334995, // High High 0.4574698, 0.3194538, 0.2230764, // High Medium 0.3260383, 0.3332797, 0.340682, // High Low 0.3908248, 0.3301985, 0.2789767, // Medium High 0.2655086, 0.328372, 0.4061194, // Medium Medium 0.164255, 0.2973724, 0.5383726, // Medium Low 0.2111738, 0.3159911, 0.4728352, // Low High 0.1251812, 0.2742008, 0.6006179, // Low Medium 0.0690238, 0.2213212, 0.709655); // Low Low ; title = "Level solving status"; whenchanged = 1555613620; visual V1 { center = (924, 522); height = 6; link 1 { labelposn = (708, 487, 814, 502); path = ((708, 504), (850, 516)); }; link 2 { labelposn = (708, 427, 792, 442); path = ((708, 444), (850, 496)); }; }; }; param X_PropertiesofTorque_3 { kind = DISCONNECTED; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (High, Medium, Low); levels = (0.967421566101701, 0, -0.967421566101701); probs = // High Medium Low (0.4267575, 0.3390674, 0.2341752); title = "PropertiesofTorque"; whenchanged = 1555613620; }; param X_EnergyTransfer_3 { kind = DISCONNECTED; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (High, Medium, Low); levels = (0.967421566101701, 0, -0.967421566101701); probs = // High Medium Low (0.438105, 0.2857578, 0.2761373); title = "EnergyTransfer"; whenchanged = 1555613603; }; node Duration { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (Very_fast, Fast, Slow, Very_slow); inputs = (PropertiesofTorque, EnergyTransfer); parents = (X_PropertiesofTorque_3, X_EnergyTransfer_3); probs = // Very fast Fast Slow Very slow // PropertiesofTorque EnergyTransfer (0.5515249, 0.2630971, 0.1255067, 0.05987121, // High High 0.395812, 0.2763978, 0.1930102, 0.1347801, // High Medium 0.2418236, 0.2471946, 0.2526848, 0.258297, // High Low 0.3162779, 0.2672155, 0.225764, 0.1907426, // Medium High 0.1767377, 0.2185832, 0.2703363, 0.3343428, // Medium Medium 0.08318026, 0.1505922, 0.2726369, 0.4935906, // Medium Low 0.1236721, 0.1850575, 0.2769118, 0.4143586, // Low High 0.05405967, 0.118414, 0.2593776, 0.5681487, // Low Medium 0.02107294, 0.06756927, 0.2166573, 0.6947005); // Low Low ; title = "Duration to solve level"; whenchanged = 1555613620; visual V1 { center = (936, 414); height = 7; link 1 { labelposn = (720, 367, 826, 382); path = ((720, 384), (851, 403)); }; link 2 { labelposn = (732, 319, 816, 334); path = ((732, 336), (851, 382)); }; }; }; param X_PropertiesofTorque_2 { kind = DISCONNECTED; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (High, Medium, Low); levels = (0.967421566101701, 0, -0.967421566101701); probs = // High Medium Low (0.4267575, 0.3390674, 0.2341752); title = "PropertiesofTorque"; whenchanged = 1555613620; }; param X_EnergyTransfer_2 { kind = DISCONNECTED; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (High, Medium, Low); levels = (0.967421566101701, 0, -0.967421566101701); probs = // High Medium Low (0.438105, 0.2857578, 0.2761373); title = "EnergyTransfer"; whenchanged = 1555613603; }; node NumberAttempts { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (one, two, three_four, more_than_four); inputs = (PropertiesofTorque, EnergyTransfer); parents = (X_PropertiesofTorque_2, X_EnergyTransfer_2); probs = // one two three four more than four // PropertiesofTorque EnergyTransfer (0.5515249, 0.2630971, 0.1255067, 0.05987121, // High High 0.395812, 0.2763978, 0.1930102, 0.1347801, // High Medium 0.2418236, 0.2471946, 0.2526848, 0.258297, // High Low 0.3162779, 0.2672155, 0.225764, 0.1907426, // Medium High 0.1767377, 0.2185832, 0.2703363, 0.3343428, // Medium Medium 0.08318026, 0.1505922, 0.2726369, 0.4935906, // Medium Low 0.1236721, 0.1850575, 0.2769118, 0.4143586, // Low High 0.05405967, 0.118414, 0.2593776, 0.5681487, // Low Medium 0.02107294, 0.06756927, 0.2166573, 0.6947005); // Low Low ; title = "Number of attempts"; whenchanged = 1555613620; visual V1 { center = (942, 312); height = 8; link 1 { labelposn = (702, 277, 808, 292); path = ((702, 294), (843, 305)); }; link 2 { labelposn = (720, 223, 804, 238); path = ((720, 240), (843, 280)); }; }; }; param X_PropertiesofTorque_1 { kind = DISCONNECTED; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (High, Medium, Low); levels = (0.967421566101701, 0, -0.967421566101701); probs = // High Medium Low (0.4267575, 0.3390674, 0.2341752); title = "PropertiesofTorque"; whenchanged = 1555613620; }; param X_EnergyTransfer_1 { kind = DISCONNECTED; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (High, Medium, Low); levels = (0.967421566101701, 0, -0.967421566101701); probs = // High Medium Low (0.438105, 0.2857578, 0.2761373); title = "EnergyTransfer"; whenchanged = 1555613603; }; node Agent { kind = NATURE; discrete = TRUE; chance = CHANCE; states = (Ramp, Springboard, Lever, Pendulum); inputs = (PropertiesofTorque, EnergyTransfer); parents = (X_PropertiesofTorque_1, X_EnergyTransfer_1); probs = // Ramp Springboard Lever Pendulum // PropertiesofTorque EnergyTransfer (0.5515249, 0.2630971, 0.1255067, 0.05987121, // High High 0.395812, 0.2763978, 0.1930102, 0.1347801, // High Medium 0.2418236, 0.2471946, 0.2526848, 0.258297, // High Low 0.3162779, 0.2672155, 0.225764, 0.1907426, // Medium High 0.1767377, 0.2185832, 0.2703363, 0.3343428, // Medium Medium 0.08318026, 0.1505922, 0.2726369, 0.4935906, // Medium Low 0.1236721, 0.1850575, 0.2769118, 0.4143586, // Low High 0.05405967, 0.118414, 0.2593776, 0.5681487, // Low Medium 0.02107294, 0.06756927, 0.2166573, 0.6947005); // Low Low ; title = "Agent Type"; whenchanged = 1555613620; visual V1 { center = (966, 210); height = 9; link 1 { labelposn = (750, 157, 856, 172); path = ((750, 174), (873, 195)); }; link 2 { labelposn = (780, 109, 864, 124); path = ((780, 126), (878, 170)); }; }; }; NodeSet HighLevel {Nodes = ();}; NodeSet Proficiency {Nodes = ();}; NodeSet LowLevel {Nodes = ();}; NodeSet pnode {Nodes = ();}; NodeSet pnodes {Nodes = ();}; NodeSet Proficiencies {Nodes = ();}; NodeSet Observable {Nodes = (Agent, NumberAttempts, Duration, TrophyLevel);}; };