\name{ACED.scores} \alias{ACED} \alias{ACED.scores} \alias{ACED.items} \alias{ACED.prePost} \alias{ACED.skillNames} \docType{data} \title{Data from ACED field trial} \description{ ACED (Adaptive Content with Evidence-Based Diagnosis; Shute, Hansen and Almond, 2008) is a Bayes net based assessment system which featured: (a) adaptive item selection and (b) extended feedback for incorrect items. This data contains both item level and pretest/posttest data from a field trial of the ACED system. } \usage{data("ACED")} \format{ ACED contains 3 \code{data.frame} objects and one explanatory variable. \code{ACED.scores} is data frame with 230 observations on 74 variables. These are mostly high-level scores from the Bayesian network. \describe{ \item{\code{Cond_code}}{a numeric vector giving the experimental condition for this student, see also \code{Cond}} \item{\code{Seq}}{a factor describing whether the sequence of items was \code{Linear} or \code{Adaptive}} \item{\code{FB}}{a factor describing whether the feedback for incorrect items was \code{Extended} or \code{AccuracyOnly}} \item{\code{All_Items}}{a numeric vector giving the number of items in ACED} \item{\code{Correct}}{a numeric vector giving the number of items the student got correct} \item{\code{Incorr}}{a numeric vector giving the number of items the student got incorrect} \item{\code{Remain}}{a numeric vector giving the number of items not reached or skipped} \item{\code{ElapTime}}{a numeric vector giving the total time spent on ACED} The next group of columns give \dQuote{scores} for each of the nodes in the Bayesian network. Each node has four scores, and the columns are names \code{p}\emph{node}\emph{ScoreType} where \emph{node} is replaced by one of the codes in \code{ACED.allSkills}. \item{\code{p}\emph{node}\code{H}}{a numeric vector giving the probability \emph{node} is in the high state} \item{\code{p}\emph{node}\code{M}}{a numeric vector giving the probability \emph{node} is in the medium state} \item{\code{p}\emph{node}\code{L}}{a numeric vector giving the probability \emph{node} is in the low state} \item{\code{EAP}\emph{node}}{the expected a posteriori value of \emph{node} assuming an equal interval scale, where \code{L=1}, \code{M=2} and \code{H=3}} \item{\code{MAP}\emph{node}}{a factor vector giving maximum a posteriori value of \emph{node}, i.e., \code{which.max(p}\emph{node}\code{H, p}\emph{node}\code{M, p}\emph{node}\code{L)}.} After a number of columns with this pattern, the last column is: \item{\code{Cond}}{a factor describing the experimental condition with levels \code{Adaptive/Accuracy}, \code{Adaptive/Extended} and \code{Linear/Extended}} } \code{ACED.skillNames} is a character vector giving the abbreviations used for the node names. Here are the interpretations: \describe{ \item{\code{ sgp }}{Solve Geometric Problems. This is the highest level variable for the field trial data. } \item{\code{ arg }}{Algebraic Rule Geometric } \item{\code{ cr }}{Find Common Ratio } \item{\code{ dt }}{Distinguish Types of series } \item{\code{ exa }}{Examples (Geometric) } \item{\code{ exp }}{Explicit Rule (Geometric) } \item{\code{ ext }}{Extend Series (Geometric) } \item{\code{ ind }}{Induce Rules (Geometric) } \item{\code{ mod }}{Model (Geometric) } \item{\code{ rec }}{Recursive Rules (Geometric) } \item{\code{ tab }}{Tabular Representations (Geometric) } \item{\code{ ver }}{Verbal Rules (Geometric) } \item{\code{ pic }}{Pictorial Representations (Geometric) } } \code{ACED.items} is data frame with 230 observations on 73 variables. These are mostly item-level scores from the field trial. \describe{ \item{\code{Cond_code}}{a numeric vector giving the experimental condition for this student, see also \code{Cond}} \item{\code{Seq}}{a factor describing whether the sequence of items was \code{Linear} or \code{Adaptive}} \item{\code{FB}}{a factor describing whether the feedback for incorrect items was \code{Extended} or \code{AccuracyOnly}} \item{\code{All_Items}}{a numeric vector giving the number of items in ACED} \item{\code{Correct}}{a numeric vector giving the number of items the student got correct} \item{\code{Incorr}}{a numeric vector giving the number of items the student got incorrect} \item{\code{Remain}}{a numeric vector giving the number of items not reached or skipped} \item{\code{ElapTime}}{a numeric vector giving the total time spent on ACED} The next 63 columns represent the items from the ACED assessment. All are factor variables, with possible valued \code{Incorrect} and \code{Correct}. The variables are named all named \code{t} (for task) followed by the name of one or more variables tapped by the task (if there is more than one, then the first one is \dQuote{primary}.) This is followed by a numeric code, 1, 2 or 3, giving the difficulty (easy, medium or hard) and a letter (a, b or c) used to indicate alternate tasks following the same task model. Finally, following a period, there is a version number (all of the tasks are version 1). After the variables, the last column is: \item{\code{Cond}}{a factor describing the experimental condition with levels \code{Adaptive/Accuracy}, \code{Adaptive/Extended} and \code{Linear/Extended}} } \code{ACED.prePost} is data frame with 290 observations on 32 variables giving the results of the pretest and posttest. \describe{ \item{\code{Cond_code}}{a numeric vector giving the experimental condition for this student, see also \code{Cond}} \item{\code{Seq}}{a factor describing whether the sequence of items was \code{Linear} or \code{Adaptive}} \item{\code{FB}}{a factor describing whether the feedback for incorrect items was \code{Extended} or \code{AccuracyOnly}} \item{\code{All_Items}}{a numeric vector giving the number of items in ACED} \item{\code{ Form_Order }}{a factor variables describing whether (\code{AB}) Form A was the pretest and Form B was the posttest or (\code{BA}) vise versa.} \item{\code{ Level_Code }}{a factor variable describing the academic track of the student with levels \code{Honors}, \code{Academic}, \code{Regular}, \code{Part 1}, \code{Part 2} and \code{ELL}. The codes \code{Part 1} and \code{Part 2} refer to special education students in Part 1 (mainstream classroom) or Part 2 (sequestered).} \item{\code{ PreACorr }}{corrected score on Form A for students who took Form A as a pretest } \item{\code{ PostBCorr }}{ corrected score on Form B for students who took Form B as a posttest } \item{\code{ PreBCorr }}{ corrected score on Form B for students who took Form B as a pretest } \item{\code{ PostACorr }}{ corrected score on Form A for students who took Form A as a posttest } \item{\code{ PreScore }}{ a numeric vector with either the non-missing value from \code{PreACorr} and \code{PreBCorr} } \item{\code{ PostScore }}{a numeric vector with either the non-missing value from \code{PostACorr} and \code{PostBCorr} } \item{\code{ Gender }}{ a factor variable giving the (self-reported) gender of the student (codebook is lost) } \item{\code{ Race }}{ a factor variable giving the (self-reported) race of the student (codebook is lost) } \item{\code{ Gain }}{ \code{PostScore - PreScore} } \item{\code{ preacorr_adj }}{ \code{PreACorr} adjusted to put forms A and B on the same scale } \item{\code{ postbcorr_adj }}{ \code{PostBCorr} adjusted to put forms A and B on the same scale } \item{\code{ prebcorr_adj }}{\code{PreBCorr} adjusted to put forms A and B on the same scale } \item{\code{ postacorr_adj }}{\code{PostACorr} adjusted to put forms A and B on the same scale } \item{\code{ Zpreacorr_adj }}{ standardized version of \code{preacorr_adj} } \item{\code{ Zpostbcorr_adj }}{ standardized version of \code{postbcorr_adj} } \item{\code{ Zprebcorr_adj }}{ standardized version of \code{prebcorr_adj} } \item{\code{ Zpostacorr_adj }}{ standardized version of \code{postacorr_adj} } \item{\code{ scale_prea }}{ score on Form A for students who took Form A as a pretest scaled to range 0-100 } \item{\code{ scale_preb }}{ score on Form B for students who took Form B as a pretest scaled to range 0-100 } \item{\code{ pre_scaled }}{ scale score on pretest (whichever form) } \item{\code{ scale_posta }}{ score on Form A for students who took Form A as a posttest scaled to range 0-100 } \item{\code{ scale_postb }}{ score on Form B for students who took Form B as a posttest scaled to range 0-100 } \item{\code{ post_scaled }}{ scale score on pretest (whichever form) } \item{\code{ gain_scaled }}{ \code{post_scaled - pre_scaled }} \item{\code{ Flagged }}{ a logical variable (codebook lost) } \item{\code{Cond}}{a factor describing the experimental condition with levels \code{Adaptive/Accuracy}, \code{Adaptive/Extended}, \code{Linear/Extended} and \code{Control}} } } \details{ ACED is a Bayesian network based Assessment for Learning learning system, thus it served as both a assessment and a tutoring system. It had two novel features which could be turned on and off, elaborated feedback (turned off, it provided accuracy only feedback) and adaptive sequencing of items (turned off, it scheduled items in a fixed linear sequence). It was originally built to cover all algebraic sequences (arithmetic, geometric and other recursive), but only the branch of the system using geometric sequences was tested. Shute, Hansen and Almond (2008) describe the field trial. Students from a local middle school (who studied arithmetic, but not geometric sequences as part of their algebra curriculum) were recruited for the study. The students were randomized into one of four groups: \describe{ \item{\code{Adaptive/Accuracy}}{Adaptive sequencing was used, but students only received correct/incorrect feedback.} \item{\code{Adaptive/Extended}}{Adaptive sequencing was used, but students received extended feedback for incorrect items.} \item{\code{Linear/Extended}}{The fixed linear sequencing was used, but students received extended feedback for incorrect items.} \item{\code{Control}}{The students did independent study and did not use ACED.} } Because students in the control group were not exposed to the ACED task, neither the Bayes net level scores nor the item level scores are available for those groups, and those students are excluded from \code{ACED.scores} and \code{ACED.items}. The students are in the same order in all of the data sets, with the 60 control students tacked onto the end of the \code{ACED.prePost} data set. All of the students (including the control students) were given a 25-item pretest and a 25-item posttest with items similar to the ones used in ACED. The design was counterbalanced, with half of the students receiving Form A as the pretest and Form B as the posttest and the other half the other way around, to allow the two forms to be equated using the pretest data. The details are buried in \code{ACED.prePost}. Note that some irregularities were observed with the English Language Learner (\code{ACED.prePost$Level_code=="ELL"}) students. Their teachers were allowed to translated words for the students, but in many cases actually wound up giving instruction as part of the translation. } \source{ Shute, V. J., Hansen, E. G., & Almond, R. G. (2008). You can't fatten a hog by weighing it---Or can you? Evaluating an assessment for learning system called ACED. \emph{International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education}, \bold{18}(4), 289-316. Thanks to Val Shute for permission to use the data. ACED development and data collection was sponsored by National Science Foundation Grant No. 0313202. } \references{ A more detailed description, including a Q-matrix can be found at the ECD Wiki: \url{http://ecd.ralmond.net/ecdwiki/ACED/ACED}. } \examples{ data(ACED) } \keyword{datasets}