2019-10-27 Rusell Almond * R/StackedBars.R (isMonotonic): Added test for monotinicity here, as it is necessary in certain model building operations. 2019-04-10 Rusell Almond * R/kappalambda.R (gkLambda): Added kappa and lambda here, as it seems to be generally useful. 2019-04-07 Russell Almond * R/Tables.R (normalize): Moved normalize (as well as as.CPF and as.CPA) here. 2017-06-01 Russell G. Almond * R/DGR.R (calcDPCTable): Added sanity check for 0 or 1-state nodes. 2016-11-07 Russell G. Almond * R/DGR.R (partialCredit, gradedResponse, normalLink): Added drop=FALSE, to handle no parent case. 2016-11-06 Russell G. Almond * R/EM2step.R (mapDPC, llike): Added LinksScale parameter (or more properly log of link scale parameter) to gradient decent algortihm. Not sure this is the best way to handle this. Also, need some way of handinging hyper-Dirichlet distributions. 2016-11-05 Russell G. Almond * R/DSLikelihoods.R (Compensatory, Disjunctive, Conjunctive): Fix for zero parent case. 2016-05-22 Russell G. Almond * R/DGR.R (normalLink): Added normal Link. 2016-05-04 Almond * R/DSLikelihoods.R (OffsetDisjunctive): Added isOffsetRules functions, to test whether we have regular (a corresponds to parents) or offset-style (b-corresponds to parents). 2015-05-25 Russell G. Almond * inst/testFiles/ACEDdata.R: Added ACED which should be useful in tests. 2015-05-17 Russell G. Almond * R/EM2step.R (llike): Added tvals and Q arguments. * R/DGR.R (calcDPCTable): Added Q parameter. 2015-05-10 Russell G. Almond * R/DGR.R (calcDPCTable): Fixed tvals argument. 2015-04-27 Russell G. Almond * R/DGR.R (calcDPCTable,calcDPCFrame): Added tvals argument. 2013-05-27 Russell G. Almond * R/OCP.R ("OCP2"): Added two set version of OCP. 2013-05-19 Russell G. Almond * DESCRIPTION (Version): merged with WOE 2013-05-08 Russell G. Almond * R/hyperDirichlet.R ("scaleTable"): Fixed a problem with changes in R handling of data frames with one row. 2013-05-01 * R/Noisy.R: (calcNoisyAndTable, calcNoisyAndFrame, calcNoisyOrTable) (calcNoisyOrFrame): Created these functions and added doc and tests. 2013-04-01 Russell G. Almond * R/DGR.R (calcDPCTable, calcDPCFrame, partialCredit) (gradedResponse): Factored these so that the link functions are called from within the general code form. Added a linkScale parameter for future expansion (needed for Normal link). 2013-03-25 Russell G. Almond * Created the project: Moved code over from SSX.