\name{safeAutocorr.diag} \alias{safeAutocorr.diag} \alias{safeEffectiveSize} \alias{safeGelman.diag} \alias{safeRejectionRate} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Robust versions of coda statistics} \description{ These are versions of the standard \code{coda} functions which return \code{NA} in the case of an error. } \usage{ safeAutocorr.diag(param, lags = c(0, 1, 5, 10, 50), relative = TRUE) safeEffectiveSize(x) safeGelman.diag(param, confidence = 0.95, transform = TRUE, autoburnin = FALSE) safeRejectionRate(x) } \arguments{ \item{param}{An \code{mcmc.list} object. More more than one chain is required for \code{safeGelman.diag}.} \item{lags}{A vector of lags at which to calculate the autocorrelation.} \item{relative}{A boolean, if true lags are taken to be relative to the thinning interval.} \item{x}{An \code{mcmc.list} object.} \item{confidence}{the coverage probability of the confidence interval for the potential scale reduction factor} \item{transform}{a logical flag indicating whether variables in \code{param} should be transformed to improve the normality of the distribution. If set to TRUE, a log transform or logit transform, as appropriate, will be applied.} \item{autoburnin}{a logical flag indicating whether only the second half of the series should be used in the computation. If set to TRUE (default) and \code{start(x)} is less than \code{end(x)/2} then start of series will be adjusted so that only second half of series is used.} } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{\code{\link[coda]{autocorr.diag}}, \code{\link[coda]{effectiveSize}}, \code{\link[coda]{gelman.diag}}, \code{\link[coda]{rejectionRate}} } \keyword{ts}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS