\name{mvr} \alias{mvr} \title{Mean variance and R value.} \description{ This takes a \code{mcmc.list} object corresponding to a DiBello--Samejima model and calculates the mean and variance for each of the parameters plus a Gelman-Rubin R value for the parameter set. } \usage{ mvr(obj, pnames) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{An \code{mcmc.list} object corresponding to a parameter set or else \code{NULL}.} \item{pnames}{A vector of parameter names.} } \details{ The length of the returned vector depends on the length of the \code{pnames} argument. The parameter set is trimmed or padded with \code{NA}s to match the length corresponding to the desired number of parameters. This assumes that the parameter are in the same order for every parameter set. If the first argument is \code{NULL} then returns a vector of \code{NA}s of the appropriate length. } \value{ A vector of twice the length of \code{pnames} plus one. These consist of the mean and variance entries followed by the Gelman-Rubin multivariate potential scale reduction factor. } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{\code{\link{buildRMatrix}},\code{\link{dsBuildRMatrix}}, \code{\link{meanVar}},\code{\link[coda]{gelman.diag}} } \examples{\dontrun{ ## Assumes all parameter sets have a single discrimination parameter. meanVarTable <- dsBuildRMatrix(dc,mvr, c("Difficulty","logDisc","DiffInc"), maxparams=15) } } \keyword{ts}