\name{getParameter} \alias{getParameter} \title{ This gets a scaler parameter from the StatShop database. } \usage{ getParameter(model,parameter=listParameterColumns(model), iterations=numeric(0), chain=getChains()) } \arguments{ \item{model}{Name of model to extract data from.} \item{parameter}{Name of database column or columns to extract. If omitted, all columns are returned.} \item{iterations}{A vector containing the first and last cycle to extract. If omitted use all cycles.} \item{chain}{A vector of chains to extract data for. If omitted, use all chains.} } \value{ Returns a coda \code{mcmc} object for a single chain and a \code{mcmc.list} object for multiple chains. } \description{ If the parameter argument is a vector of names, it gets a dataframe like structure, where the columns are variables. NOTE this function uses the column names in the database. Use \index{getParameterVector} to get the vector valued parameter. } \seealso{ \code{\link{asp.dbConnect}}, \code{\link{listModels}},\code{\link{listParameterColumns}}, \code{\link{getParameterVector}}, \code{\link{getAllParameters}}, \code{\link{getVariable}}, \code{\link{pQuery}} } \keyword{database}