\name{getMetadata} \alias{getMetadata} \title{Fetches Run metadata from a StatShop database.} \description{ StatShop databases store information about the run (date, model used, parameters, user supplied notes) in a special table. This function fetches those metadata elements. } \usage{ getMetadata(keys = c("date", "version", "config", "run\_family", "amdf", "tmdf", "pdf", "database", "recordEveryCycle", "stepSize", "interseptSize", "slopeStep", "stdStep", "diffIncrementStep", "anchorMultiplier", "notes")) } \arguments{ \item{keys}{Names of keys to database table. Should be one of the values listed above.} } \details{ The StatShop meta date table contains the following information: \describe{ \item{date}{Date of the run (or last save of the metadata).} \item{verison}{Version of StatShop used for the run.} \item{run\_family}{User specified field for marking related runs.} \item{amdf}{Pathname for Assessment Model Description File.} \item{tmdf}{Pathname for Task Model Description File.} \item{pdf}{Pathname for Pretest Data File.} \item{database}{Name of the database.} \item{burnInCycles}{Number of cycles discarded as burn-in before recording starts. (Note: This is almost always 0, also, can be termined from data table.)} \item{recordingCycles}{Number of cycles selected to be recorded. Note that this value is also available from cycle tables which should considered definitive.} \item{recordEveryCycle}{Spacing (in number of cycles) between successive recordings. 1 means every cycle is recorded.} \item{chains}{Number of chains requested. Note this value is available from cycle table which should be regarded as definitive.} \item{stepSize}{Default step size for proposal distribution.} \item{interseptSize}{Step size for intercept parameter proposal distributions. (Note funky spelling of \dQuote{intersept}.)} \item{slopeStep}{Step size for slope parameter proposal distributions.} \item{stdStep}{Step size for standard deviation parameter proposal distributions.} \item{diffIncrementStep}{Step size for difficulty increment parameter proposal distributions.} \item{anchorMultiplier}{Multiplier applied to step size if the observable is involved in an anchor set.} \item{notes}{A set of analyst supplied notes about the run.} } This function fetches the values with the corresponding keys from the database and returns it as a list. Note: After first run, these values are not updated unless the update is specificially requested by the analyst. A connection to the database must be open before this function can be run. } \value{ A list of the specified values with names corresponding to the \code{keys}. } \references{ http://research.ets.org/~ralmond/StatShop/ } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{ \code{\link{asp.dbConnect}} } \examples{ ### This example will only run if you have the StatShop test databases ### installed on your machine. StatShop <- Sys.getenv("STATSHOP") if (StatShop == "") { warn("StatShop not installed, skipping test.") } else { asp.dbConnect("parameter_recovery_test","junit") ## Get metadata for the student model variables getMetadata(c("date","notes")) asp.dbDisconnect() } } \keyword{database}