\name{buildRMatrix} \alias{buildRMatrix} \title{Builds a matrix summarizing parameters for a daCapo object} \description{ This applies \code{sumFun} to each link model parameter set in a \code{daCapo} object and returns a big data frame giving the result of the function for each object. The summary function, \code{sumFun}, should return a vector of the same length for each object. } \usage{ buildRMatrix(dc, sumFun, ..., whichLinkModels=1:length(dc$linkModels)) } \arguments{ \item{dc}{A \code{daCapo} object giving the results from a StatShop run.} \item{sumFun}{A summary function for a parameter set. This function should return a labeled vector of statistics for the parameter set. It could also return \code{NA} if the parameter set was \code{NA} (due to thining).} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments passed to \code{sumFun}.} \item{whichLinkModels}{Additional arguments passed to \code{sumFun}.} } \value{ A \code{data.frame} giving the results for each parameter set. The first three columns provide the name of the task, the name of the evidence model and the name of the observable respectively. } \note{ The function \code{dsBuildRMatrix} does much the same work as \code{daCapo} followed by \code{buildRMatrix} without producing the large \code{daCapo} object. Using \code{daCapo} is more efficient if multiple analyses of the same data are required, however, it may not work due to memory limitiations on some systems (especially Windows). } \author{Russell Almond} \seealso{\code{\link{daCapo}},\code{\link{meanVar}}, \code{\link{mvr}}} \examples{\dontrun{ dc <- daCapo(maxparams=15) meanVarTable <- buildRMatrix(dc,meanVar,c("Difficulty","logDisc","DiffInc")) } } \keyword{utilities}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS