\name{asp.debugQueries} \alias{asp.debugQueries} \alias{asp.debugMode} \title{ Returns or sets a boolean flag for database query debugging. } \usage{ asp.debugQueries(doDebug) } \arguments{ \item{doDebug}{If supplied sets the value of the global variable \code{asp.debugMode}.} } \description{ If the \code{asp.debugMode} flag is set to \code{TRUE}, then the SQL used to query the StatShop database is printed when extracting data for variables and parameters. If it is \code{FALSE} then the queries run silently. If \code{asp.debugQueries} is called with no arguments, it returns the current value of the flag. If it is called with an argument, it sets the flag to that value. If it is called with no arguments before it is called with an argument, the flag is set to \code{FALSE}. } \section{Side Effects}{ Sets the value of the global variable \code{asp.debugMode}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{pQuery}}, \code{\link{vQuery}} } \examples{\dontrun{ ## Get the current values. asp.debugQueries() ## Turn on debugging of queries asp.debugQueries(TRUE) } } \keyword{database}