### This analysis of the language test data. ### $Revision: $ ### $Date: 2005/01/06 14:58:12 $ ###Parameters: asp.user <- "ralmond" asp.dbname <- "ICT_ae" ## Set this to false if you are shipping graphs to a file, #onscreen=TRUE sink(paste(asp.dbname,".out",sep="")) postscript(paste(asp.dbname,".ps",sep="")) onscreen=FALSE par(ask=onscreen) ### Set things up library("RMySQL") asp.driver <- MySQL() source("access.q") source("datacube.r") ## fixes for some bugs in CODA. source("summary.mcmc.list.r") ###Connect to database asp.dbConnect() ###List available tables asp.listModels() models <- asp.listModels() ###Check number of chains and cycles chains <- asp.getChains() goodChains <- chains[chains>0] window <- c(501, min(asp.getCycles()[goodChains,"chain_last_cycle"])) ### find student model and link models ## Student Models names always start with HigherEdICT smindex <- pmatch("HigherEdICT",models) sm.name <- models[smindex] lms.name <- models[ - smindex] ###List available parameters sm.pnames <- asp.listParameters(sm.name) lms.pnames <- sapply(lms.name,asp.listParameters) ###Further break up SM parameters into iCT parameters and Skill parameters ### for seven subskills iCTindex <- grep("ICT_Literacy",sm.pnames) iCT.pnames <- sm.pnames[iCTindex] skills.pnames <- sm.pnames [ - iCTindex] ###Load parameters iCT.parameters <- asp.getParameter(sm.name,iCT.pnames, iterations=window,chain=goodChains) ## for now, we will hard code this for ICT example. We need better ## accessor functions though. vnames(iCT.parameters) <- c("Proficient", "Advanced", "Basic", "Below Basic", "Minimal") skills.parameters <- asp.getParameter(sm.name,skills.pnames, iterations=window,chain=goodChains) ## for now, we will hard code this for ICT example. We need better ## accessor functions though. spn <- vnames(skills.parameters) spn <- sub("_betaLogAlpha_0"," Intercept",spn) spn <- sub("_betaLogAlpha_1"," log(STD)",spn) spn <- sub("_betaLogAlpha_2"," log(Slope)",spn) vnames(skills.parameters) <- spn lms.parameters <- lapply(lms.name, function (model) { result <- asp.getParameter(model, lms.pnames[[model]], iterations=window,chain=goodChains) lpn <- vnames(result) lpn <- sub("_betaLogAlpha_0"," Difficulty",lpn) lpn <- sub("_betaLogAlpha_1"," log(Skill Slope)",lpn) lpn <- sub("_betaLogAlpha_2"," log(Context Slope)",lpn) lpn <- sub("_betaLogAlpha_3"," Increment",lpn) vnames(result) <- lpn result }) names(lms.parameters) <- lms.name ## Summaries cat ("Overall Proficiency\n") summary(iCT.parameters) ## Need to reduce because Dirichlet RVs are not of full rank. gelman.diag(iCT.parameters[,1:4]) autocorr(iCT.parameters) cat ("\n\n Sub-Proficiencies\n") summary(skills.parameters) gelman.diag(skills.parameters) autocorr(skills.parameters) lapply(lms.name, function (name) { cat ("\n\n Link Model ", name, "\n") lmp <- lms.parameters[[name]] print(summary(lmp)) print(gelman.diag(lmp)) print(autocorr(lmp)) }) ## Plots plot(iCT.parameters, ask=onscreen) autocorr.plot(iCT.parameters, ask=onscreen) gelman.plot(iCT.parameters[,1:4], ask=onscreen) plot(skills.parameters, ask=onscreen) autocorr.plot(skills.parameters, ask=onscreen) gelman.plot(skills.parameters, ask=onscreen) lapply(lms.parameters, function (lmp) { plot(lmp, ask=onscreen) autocorr.plot(lmp, ask=onscreen) gelman.plot(lmp, ask=onscreen) }) dev.off() sink() ###When done, disconnect ##asp.dbDisconnect()