Welcome to Pluto, Earthling!

Pluto is a research/instructional server of the Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems, of the College of Education, Florida State University. It provides both a high powered Linux machine for advanced computations as well as an Apache web server for educational and research services.


Pluto offers the following services and materials for web visitors. Are there additional services Pluto should be hosting? Contact Russell Almond for inquiries.

Obtaining accounts

Accounts are available to members of the College of Education and their colleagues and guests. To obtain an account, please send an email FROM YOUR FSU ACCOUNT (necessary to verify your identity) to one of the administrators (Russell Almond) with your name and a description of what services you need. Accounts are available to others, including non-FSU person, but the account request should be forwarded to us by your FSU sponsor.

Owncloud, the Wiki Space and the SVN system use a separate password system from the main Linux accounts. To set or change these passwords:

  1. First fill out the password change request form.
  2. Next email an admin (Russell Almond) to activate the new password.

General Policies

This computer system is hosted by Florida State University, and should be considered part of its virtual campus. All visitors are subject to the policies of Florida State University, and the laws of the State of Florida and the United States of America. In general, these rules boil down to the fact that we expect discussion boards and other services to be respectful of each others in a collegial way. Some specific rules: If you notice material that you believe to be inappropriate, please send information including the URI of that material to Russell Almond or Betsy Becker. If you have any concerns or questions about these policies, please contact either Russell Almond or Betsy Becker.

Enjoy your stay on Pluto! Updated for the new server, July 19th, 2018.